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The Android operating system is my favorite of all the types of tried for cell phones (and I'm pretty sure I've tried them all.) But just like any OS, there are sometimes issues that arise due to some sneaky developers trying to get the last word in there. And it's not always done maliciously, but it's almost always annoying.
Recently I had started noticing that I was getting spam notifications in my drop down bar - often times a yellow star or a green circle with a cross in the middle would come up, and the notification would be for a new app that was available, or that I'd "won a free iPad." The spam itself isn't harmful, but just like on a computer clicking on one of these links that would, in turn, open a webpage could cause even more things to download to the phone. Or worse, someone who isn't any savvy with technology might be tricked into giving up personal information for the aforementioned "free iPad" (and just so we're clear - there are no free iPads for you to claim!)
The problem I was having was figuring out which app I'd downloaded that was causing the spam. I have recently downloaded many apps, and couldn't pinpoint exactly which one was going to give me the fake notifications. So, a little Google searching led me to find a new app to download called AirPush Detector. AirPush Detector can go through your phone and tell you which apps you've downloaded have the ability to send notifiers to your phone's notification bar. It conveniently skips the ones it knows are ok or that you've given permission to notify you (Facebook, Twitter, your messaging program, etc) and shows only the ones that are sending notifiers without your consent.
For me, the problem wasn't an app at all, but a theme I had downloaded through GoLocker, a program designed to change your lockscreen. So i deleted it, and voila! No more notifications. It's a single click deal, brings you right to your stock uninstall screen, and the app is gone. I would absolutely suggest this app for anyone who is having this same issue. Absolutely works wonders.
Hopefully this will help someone else as much as it helped me. Good luck!
AirPush Detector on the Google Play Store
Get Rid Of Spam And Ads In Your Android Notification Bar
www.gottabemobile.com AppsSeeing weird notifications that look like spam or ads? One of your Android apps is using AirPush to put them there. Get rid of them fast.
How to Remove Spam Ads in Your Android Notification Bar -
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Android Helpful Tips: Removing Notification Bar Spam Ads
bobferreira.hubpages.com Android Phones Android TutorialsThe Android operating system is my favorite of all the types of tried for cell phones (and I'm pretty sure I've tried them all.) But just like any OS, there are ...
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Bob Ferreira on HubPages
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advertisements in the notification bar - Android Forums
androidforums.com Android Phones Samsung MesmerizeLast updated: Nov 26, 2012 Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 9 posts 9 postsAll of a sudden I'm getting advertisements in the notification bar...spam! any suggestions on how to remove this?s
How to remove SPAM in notification bar on Android devices -
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Spam in Notification Bar - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
forums.androidcentral.com/.../129497-spam-notification-bar.htmlI received the updated GB on Tuesday night and ever since then, I am seeing strange spam show up in the Notification Bar. The notification icon is a
getting a star in notification bar?! Android Forum - AndroidPIT
www.androidpit.com/.../426485/getting-a-star-in-notification-barSo the last few days I've been getting a star in my notification bar that takes me to either an app for sale or some contest.....basically spam. Other then the fact ...
Unwanted "notification" ads - Droid X Forum
www.droidxforums.com/.../33081-unwanted-notification-ads.htmlIn the last week, I've suddenly started getting notices in the notification bar which are really just spam (or ads, I guess, depending on your point
How to disable ads in the Android notifications menu
androinica.com/2011/06/how-to-disable-ads-in-the-android...Tips. Android Hacks; ... an advertising system that places ads in the Android notification window. ... spamming adverts in the notification bar is crossing the line.
[How To] Get rid of ads in Notification bar - Android Forums at ...
forums.androidcentral.com/general-help-how/102288-how-get-rid-ads...I've seen a lot of threads about this. So, I searched around and found . It explains what Air push ads are, and how to opt out of them. Hopefully that
AirPush: showing ads in my notification bar on my android
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3 Easy Solutions to Remove Unwanted Android Ads
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