HTC Desire phoneSource: John Karakatsanis
If like me you plan to use your HTC Desire smartphone for a long while yet, you might be looking for ways to increase its battery life. A little bit of careful tweaking of your Desire will pay dividends and put off the day when you finally give in and trade up to the newest and shiniest Android.
In this article I will set out the tips and tweaks I personally use to extend my HTC Desire's battery life and keep it going till I'm ready to charge it up again at the end of the day. There are other tricks you can use on a rooted phone, that is a phone which you have hacked to give yourself administrator access. While I was happy enough to jailbreak my second-hand iPhone, I just don't see the need on the Android, and besides, I don't fancy invalidating the guarantee just yet. The beauty of the Android operating system is that there are a multitude of apps you can get from the Android Marketplace to do pretty much anything you might want, without having to rummage about in the back end.
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Here I've listed 8 tips that are simple to implement and don't require you to root your phone.
Tip 1: Turn off any 'vibrate' alerts, except when you really need them. Making the phone physically vibrate drains the battery. Go to Menu>Settings>Sound>Sound profile. Check your profile is set to 'normal' or 'silent', not 'vibrate'.
Tip 2. Turn off haptic feedback. Haptic feedback, when the screen vibrates under your finger to let you know you've pressed it, also drains the battery. Again, go to Menu>Settings>Sound>Haptic feedback. Make sure it's switched off.
Tip 3. When you turn the volume down on the phone, the phone first turns the volume down to nothing - keep pressing, and it will turn on 'vibrate' mode. Make sure you don't turn it down that extra notch and keep it at 'silent' rather than 'vibrate'.

The Android Power Control Widget (top). l-r: Wi-fi, Bluetooth, GPS, sync, brightness Source: agackr
Tip 4. Turn that brightness down! Powering the screen is a big drain on the battery. Luckily there are a couple of widgets that will help here. The Power Control widget which comes with Android allows you to toggle through three brightness settings. Outdoors you'll need the screen at its brightest, indoors in normal light half brightness should do fine, and in a darkened room the lowest setting is quite enough. If you want finer control, you can buy a widget from the Android app store called Brightness Control Widget allows you to toggle through 5 brightness settings.
Tip 5. Reduce sync frequency. Android phones are constantly connecting to wi-fi or mobile internet, to keep your email, contacts, Facebook and Twitter constantly in sync. This is a big drain on the battery, so you can increase battery life by adjusting how frequently your phone does this. This will have the benefit of reducing your data useage, if you are with one of the many networks who have chosen to take a creative approach to the definition of 'unlimited data'.... Anyway, that's a rant for another Hub, so in the meantime, here's how to adjust those settings. Go to Settings>Accounts & Sync. Annoyingly, you'll now have to adjust the sync frequency for each account separately. For me, that means Facebook, Flickr, four Google accounts, Twitter and Weather. I just set Stocks not to sync at all. I mean - who uses that? Oh right, I forgot, all the Forex traders infesting HubPages...
Tip 6. You can also stop your HTC Desire connecting to the internet altogether (and start it again whenever you want to). Here the stock Android Power Control widget can help - it allows you to toggle Wi-fi on and off - but HTC's own widgets are better. HTC provide separate widgets which allow you to toggle Wi-fi and mobile internet on and off. It can be useful if you're getting low on battery to turn off all internet connections until you're reunited with your mains charger.
HTC Desire Live Wallpapers - battery drainers!
Tip 7. Don't go mad with the Live Wallpapers. HTC and Android provide Live Wallpapers which are animated, and/or reactive. For example, the pattern may change when you touch the screen, or the screen shows a live map of your current location. These eat battery life.
Tip 8. Talking of live maps of your current location, careful with apps that use GPS connection. Again you can use the Android Power Control widget or the individual HTC widget to turn the GPS off. However you will need it if you are going to use a turn by turn navigation app.
So there you are - eight easy to implement tips that will help you increase the battery life of your HTC Desire. Know any more tips? Let me know in the comments and I'll add them to this hub! Written a hub about the HTC Desire or Android phones generally? Let me know and I'll link to it!
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