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Google Maps is one of the most popular online services in the world. And apart from android users, now Google maps app is also available for iPhone users. Users who have downloaded this app into their iPhone might have figured some of the ways to use it. If not here are some of the tips and tricks which can help you gain maximum from Google Maps on your iPhone.

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Use The Pin One of the best features of this app is the pin. You can simply tap and drop a pin anywhere on the map which helps create a landmark to help you navigate on the map. Removing the pin might be quite a task to start with but you will get used to it as time goes.

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Street View This is surely one of the features that separate Google Maps from all other similar application. If you want to get a street view of the place, drop a pin and swipe your fingers to the top and you shall have the street view right on your screen. This feature is however available for select cities and places.

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Get Directions As the like the online version of the map, this application also allows you to get road directions between two different points. This is handy as it allows the user to see the steps which lie ahead of him or her on the map. If you want to drive into a new place this is the perfect navigation tool for you.
Get More Info with Swipe If you want to get more information about a place all that you need to do is swipe around the pin mark and you will come across all the nearby landmarks.
Save a Place This is one of the most useful things on this app. If you want to save places on the map all that you have to do is drop a pin and then tap on the (Star). This will save the place on the map and it will easily be available for your future reference.
Zoom It If you want to get a detailed map of a place you can simply zoom on the map with a single finger. All that you need to do is tap, tap and hold on to the place that you would like to zoom. Once you release the finger the map will zoom out making it extremely easy to use outdoors.
Shake and Report a Problem If you arent quite satisfied with the information available on the maps you can send the error report by simply shaking your phone. All that you need to do is drop the pin and shake the phone to send the report.

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This was about Google maps for iPhone. But looking at the mass appeal of iPhone and its immense user base, you should go for your own iPhone application development to promote business you own. And Google maps is there to help your consumers to find you locally.
Hiring the services of a professional iPhone application development company and to become a part of the iPhone revolution should be on your to-do list.
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Google Maps tips for iPhone - YouTube
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On iPhone Hello World Google Maps
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Tip: How to Get Google Maps on iOS 6 News & Opinion
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Tips for using the coolest features of new Google Maps for iPhone ...
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How to use basic google maps - YouTube
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10 Alternatives to Apple iOS 6 Maps for the iPhone 5 News ...
www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2410009,00.aspDec 14, 2012 Apple's switch from Google Maps to its own, ... 10 Alternatives to Apple iOS 6 Maps for the iPhone 5; ... How To & Tips; Encyclopedia; Downloads;
How to Get Map Directions on the iPhone eHow
www.ehow.com Electronics Cell Phones & Accessories iPhonesBy eHow Electronics EditorTips & Warnings. Gain a different perspective on your map directions by using the "Satellite" view on your iPhone. ... How to Use Google Maps on the iPhone; ...
How to Use Google Maps on iOS 6 Right Now
osxdaily.com/2012/09/24/use-google-maps-ios-6How to Use Google Maps ... Home; Mac OS X; iPhone; iPad; Tips ... Good solid routing between A and B using public transport is a basic necessity in Tokyo. The Google ...
Google Help
support.google.comOfficial Google Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google's products and answers to frequently asked questions.
How to Use Google Maps in the iPhone-Steps to use Google Maps ...
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Voice Quick Tips: Google Tools for Nonprofits - Productivity Basics
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Complete guide to using iOS 6 (roundup) - How To - Tips for your ...
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ReplyDeleteLazer markalama makinelerinin üç ana türü vardır: En yaygın olanı, iş parçasının (yüzeyinin) sabit olduğu ve lazer optiğinin X ve Y yönlerinde hareket ettiği ve lazer ışınının vektör çizmeye X-Y galvo motorları ile yönlendirildiği lazer modelidir. Bu tür modellerde bazen lazer durağandır ve iş parçası hareket eder. Bazende iş parçası Y ekseninde, lazer X ekseninde hareket eder. İkinci bir tür lazer markalama makinası silindir şeklindeki parçalar üzerinde hem raster hemde vektör içerikleri markalayan lazer markalama türüdür. Üçüncü tür lazer markalama makinalarıda ise hem lazer hem de iş parçası sabit dururken bir galvo kafası içerisindeki galvo aynaları lazer ışınını iş parçası yüzeyinin üzerinde hareket ettirerek raster veya vektör modunda markalama gerçekleştirenlerdir. Eğer yüzey malzemesi lazer kazıma, fason lazer markalama, lazer kaynak, lazer kesim vs sırasında duman, ağır metal tozları ve koku çıkarır. İş güvenliği açısından bu koku ve dumanın/tozların zararlı etkilerini ortadan kaldırmak için hava emisyon ve filtreleme sistemleri kullanılması çok önem arzetmektedir.
Web: https://fasonlazermarkalama.wordpress.com